Saturday, November 21, 2015

In which I struggle to use photo editing software

Fun fact: When I was a teenager, I had my own website.

 It was called Sliced Bread and it showcased what I thought to be the greatest things since sliced bread. I kept it running on Homestead site builder for several years. At first, it was free. I actually remember signing up to be a part of the company launch and getting an email telling me it was time. Time for me to create my own website. It was (and still is, from a brief look at the current site) a way for an average joe to use templates and such rather than html to create a nice looking website. After an enjoyable period of free website maintenance, it became $40 for a year of hosting. Then it jumped it over $100 per year. I shut it down about a year after that.

Along with listing the greatest things since sliced bread, I kept a list of funny and inspiring quotes and uploaded WinZipped copies of digital Dogz, Catz and Babyz files to share. I also shared my poetry and scanned copies of my artwork with the world. It was a lot of fun for something that had very little point.

Frames and buttons were a big deal at that time, but I couldn't figure out how to make frames for my site, so I saved a blank copy of a page with a sidebar and clickable buttons and used that as the basis for each page on the site. I created my own graphics using a free trial of Jasc Paint Shop Pro that I illegally continued using beyond the 30-day-trial by changing the date using my computer's internal calendar. Yep, I was a little crook.

Regardless, I had a blast creating a purple starry theme for my website. I wish I still had the images and even the text of the site (including the official List!) to share with you. I believe it has been lost in a computer crash since then. It was a beautiful showcase of what a nerdy young teen with a lot of free time can create.

Today, I received an early Christmas present from my beautiful husband. It is my very own, completely legal and fully paid for copy of PaintShop Pro! My 13-year-old self is squealing with joy. I have always wanted my very own photo editing software and now that I'm blogging, I'm hoping I can use it to make some really cool images.

I've been messing with it for a few hours now and it turns out, I have a LOT to learn. There are so many options. Nothing I have made so far looks good. Essentially, I have no idea what I am doing. Yaaaay. But I will not give up! I will simply tap into my inner 13-year-old and together, we will create some mediocre images. Perhaps, with time, we'll even learn to create something decent.

I predict a beautiful mess is on its way. Get excited!

It's true.

I was just playing around...but I think I will actually write this. 

This post is part of the 30 Day Challenge.

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