Saturday, November 14, 2015

Book Problems

I love reading. It's a great way to spend time.

The trouble is, I'm not made of money. So instead of buying all the books that I want to read, I check them out from the library. The problem with this is that popular books have lots of holds on them, so I often have to wait in line for quite a while until it's my turn to borrow the book.  I don't mind the waiting. I've actually developed more patience over time.

What's unfortunate with this system is that it always seems that all of my holds become available at the same time. Once a hold is available, I have one week to pick it up before it's someone else's turn. Therefore I usually pick my books up as soon as I can after getting the alert that they are ready. Then I only have three weeks to read the books before they are due back.

Here's a picture of all the books I have checked out from the library right now.

I've been waiting for some of them for months. They will all be due back soon, and I'm not even close to finishing them all. I suppose I could just keep them until I am done, but that would rack up some fines pretty quickly. When there are so many books that I want to read, I have a hard time focusing on just one and reading it to completion.  I try to read in the afternoon while the kids are having quiet time or watching TV, or after they have gone to bed. Even still, it can be hard to find time to read everything. My goal for this month is to read four books. I've finished one (I read the second Harry Potter book aloud to the kids) and I am halfway through about three.

So many books, so little time.

The opposite problem is one that I often have as well. Free time to read, but nothing that I want to read.

It's a tough life.

For Christmas, just get me Amazon gift cards so I can download some Kindle books. Kindle books are great because I can read them comfortably in the dark, in bed, all curled up under a blanket, without bothering Tim. Also, you can get me some more quiet reading time.

Perhaps I should spend more time reading and less time talking about not having enough time to read all the books I want.

How do you find time to read?

What are you reading now?

Do you buy your books or go to the library?

This post is part of the 30 Day Challenge. 

1 comment:

  1. I so echo this! I love to read and have always been a ferocious reader, but lately I have been mourning the time and feeling of freedom to just get immersed in a book. There are so many things, I want to put my time towards and it becomes more precious by the day. I have also missed being able to peruse in the library, I just can't do it with 5 kids in tow. I will have to look into the ebook option at the library or the reserving. Four books this months! All the best to you!
