Sunday, November 15, 2015

Too long, DID write - Week 2

The quilt was almost a year in the making and the kid has taken 7 years ;)

It's been a really busy week.  It's funny how a kid's birthday can take up quite a bit of time if you let it! We celebrated my eldest daughter's 7th birthday with two parties at our place and also celebrated Thanksgiving with my family. I am full of cake :)

Despite all this, I managed to write every day and actually get quite a bit accomplished. I finished a quilt I started almost a year ago, came up with a new idea for a writing project, cleaned the house, finished reading two books, made enough cake to feed an army and watched the first volume of Outlander. Frankly, it was a great week!

Here's what you missed this week! There have only been five posts since the last Too Long, DID Write, but next week it will even out :)

Day 1 - Homeschooling is for Crazy People Part 1 - I begin a new series and tell about the pros and cons of ALWAYS having your kids around. 

Day 2 - Homeschooling is for Crazy People Part 2 - I divulge the many ways in which homeschooling has the power to completely overtake your life. 

Day 3 - Don't give up, 'cause it'll all work out - In a moment of discouragement, I find hope in a song from my past. 

Day 4 - Faces of Homeschooling - A Call for Input - An idea for an exciting new project hits me and I welcome ideas and questions from my readers. I would love for you to take a look and share your thoughts in the comments!

Day 5 - Book Problems - I struggle to find time to read. I must admit that this post inspired me to sit down and finish a book I've been working on for a while.

Don't forget to share with others who would enjoy and sign up in the sidebar to receive my email updates! Or, follow Too Long, Didn't Write on Facebook, if that's your thing. 

Have a great week! 

This post is part of the 30 Day Challenge.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Vanessa! The randomness of the blocks was perfect for camouflaging my carefree way of measuring and cutting ;)
