Sunday, November 1, 2015

In which I attempt to get paid for writing

For the very first time, I submitted a short essay to a website for publishing.

I chose to submit to Scary Mommy, because I've been following it on Facebook for a while and the posts make me laugh. The essays on Scary Mommy take a funny, honest look at parenthood without sugar-coating it. Since I'm a stay-at-home mom with two kids that I'm homeschooling, parenting is something I can write about. It's pretty much my full-time (albeit unpaid) job at this point. 

As I was writing for my blog, I came up with something that sort of fit in with the kind of stuff that Scary Mommy runs. I took a closer look at the website and realized that they pay $100 for published posts. $100! The process seemed easy enough, so I decided to go for it. I finished my little essay and submit it to the website. I was told that I would receive a response within a week and that they might not respond to me if they decided not to run my essay.

The waiting began. I figured it wouldn't be published and that I wouldn't hear anything back. I did start to fantasize a little about what I would do with an extra hundred bucks. As a stay-at-home mom, my lovely husband brings in all the money and we use most of it for stuff like the mortgage, bills, and food. Mostly food, if I'm being honest. If I could bring in some of my own money, to use for fun stuff...well, it sounded great! I smiled as a peeked at my Amazon wish list and imagined ordering myself a couple of books, guilt-free. After mentally spending my $100 in different ways for a few minutes, I came back to reality. I reasoned that I most likely would not be hearing back from them and the chance of getting my first essay published was pretty low. 

I was surprised when, a few days later, an email from Scary Mommy showed up in my inbox. My heart was racing as I went to open it.

Was it possible to use my words to get THESE?!

I was told it was a great post, but that it wasn't something they could use at the time. I was encouraged to keep writing and to try submitting again because they are always looking for funny stuff. 

Instead of being bummed by my rejection, I became pumped.

For the first time, I put myself out there as a writer. Sure, I didn't get published. But that doesn't mean I won't some day. I'd love to have something published on their site. It's hilarious. My kind of people, my kind of stories. I have plenty of wacky parenting experiences each day. The idea of being able to write about one, have it shared with thousands of followers, and heck, make MONEY from it...well, it's kind of the dream!

I'd love to work at this "office"- in bed with a cat on my lap.
Therefore I have made a new goal for myself- to have my writing published on Scary Mommy sometime in the next year. I'm going to give it my best. 

Your turn: Tell me about a time that you failed or were rejected. How did it affect you?

This is my first post for the 30 Day Challenge.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your style of writing. I look forward to hearing that you have been published

  2. You are a good writer and I know people will enjoy your work. I know you'll be published sooner rather than later.

    1. Thanks cutes :) I am certainly excited about the idea!

  3. Great that they replied - and lovely to know that there are blogs out there that will pay for submissions. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for commenting! I wasn't aware that they paid until I did a bit of snooping. Makes me wonder what other opportunities are out there! It's exciting.

  4. Sounds like you have a plan, you will be successful and please let us all know when that happens, keep writing.

  5. This sounds like a great plan I look forward to following along the journey :)

  6. I really liked your post and it encouraged me, to give the challenge a heart felt go. I enjoyed your easy going style :)

    1. I'm glad you felt encouraged! Thank you for your kind words!

  7. UMMMM... can we say your my inspiration! I was also rejected by scary mommy and I actually cried and then I was rejected again by another site. I was going to delete everything until I realized i may not be the best writer but I LOVE writing so screw it.

    1. I am glad that I inspired you! Rejection is hard! I think I am more bothered by the passive rejection (like not having many people view or comment on my blog) than the actual rejection, if that makes sense. It is hard when people are apathetic. But then I remember that regardless of who reads it, writing is good for my soul and I love doing it. Keep writing!
