Tuesday, January 5, 2016


I haven't written in a while!

Well, that's not entirely true. I haven't written in the blog in a while. I've been writing regularly in a journal though. I got new pens and a new notebook and a new writing game for Christmas. That should explain things ;)

I have been meaning to write about my December and January goals...but I haven't. Mostly because I can't decide what I want my January goals to be. I feel quite up in the air. I don't want to make arbitrary fitness or writing goals that I can't keep up with. I feel like I need to be more purposeful. I don't like doing things for the sake of doing things.

I'm at a point where I'm feeling a little motivated to make a change to my eating and exercise, but I can't decide how to go about it. I want to find something I can stick to.

Same with writing. I enjoyed the 30 Day Challenge, but then I fell off in December. I enjoyed the Faces of Homeschooling posts, but then I started running low on unique people willing to share their stories. I got a little tired. I'm not feeling particularly creative or inspired. I've been contemplating lots of thoughts and ideas that are private, so I've been journaling. Plus, like I said, new pens.

I think I want to write every day, in some way, shape or form. I know I don't want my blog to be strictly homeschooling, and that's kind of where it started leaning. I need to write to process thoughts, but I don't necessarily need to publicize each thought that I have either.

I'm feeling very contemplative. I'm in kind of a limbo. How to proceed? Where do I want to go? What will 2016 look like for me?

I know a few things. I want to read voraciously. I want to write passionately. I want to feel God in my life again. I don't want to be fat. I know that's blunt, but it is what it is. I'm not even saying I want to eat super healthfully or exercise regularly. Right now I'm not sure which one I want to adjust first- diet or exercise. But I know that sitting on my butt eating Christmas cookies is not the way to proceed ;)

So, I guess that's where I am right now. At a crossroads. I feel like I'm perhaps setting out on a journey at the start of this new year. There are definitely plenty of pathways I can take. I'm just a little uncertain where to go, and how to get there.

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