Sunday, November 22, 2015

Too long, DID write - Week 3

I can't believe it is Day 22 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge. I am almost finished! Wow.

This week, it was very hard to stay on top of my writing. We celebrated Thanksgiving with my family, my daughter turned 7 and my husband took the day off work to celebrate, I subbed at a Homeschool Enrichment Center, I had a sore throat and cold, and we still had all the regular activities- karate, gymnastics, Awana, park day, piano lessons. It was a pretty intense week until Friday.

Friday was funny. We were all exhausted from the busy week. I thought we might just lounge about some, but it turned out to be the most productive school day of the week! We did all our regular subjects and added in a new Geography curriculum, tried out a new History book, and Lydia asked if we could do a page from her previous Letter of the Day curriculum. We had a lot of fun. It's funny how it feels good to get back into the old routine after a busy week. We even went to Ikea where we purchased some utility carts for the girls to use in their rooms.

One of the biggest accomplishments of the week was finishing Dragonfly in Amber, a book I've been reading for months. It was over 900 pages long.

I did manage to write each day this week, and only one day was a cop out :) I even got to work on my Faces of Homeschooling project and have several interesting interviews in the works. I'm hoping to get one published this week, but I know my families are busy with the holiday, so we will see. I think it'll be worth the wait.

Here's what you missed this week!

Day 1: Why do I buy my kids toys? - Toys. Everywhere. Why do I keep doing this to myself?!

Day 2: Faces of Homeschooling: The Franzen Family - I start out my Faces of Homeschooling project by giving you a look at my own family and how we approach school!

Day 3: Questions and Answers - I ask for feedback on a few things and give an update after a busy week. 

Day 4: You can be good at some things and you can not be good at some things - I share an insightful interview with my 4-year-old daughter. 

Day 5: A haiku - A bit of a poetic cop out ;)

Day 6: In which I struggle to use photo editing software - I receive an early Christmas gift that will hopefully snazz up my blog and reflect on my very first website. 

Despite the fact that we've got a holiday this week and my husband has two and a half days off, I've got lots of exciting ideas to write about! Be sure not to miss any- sign up to follow my blog. Email and feed options are located on the sidebar! Click here to find me on Facebook.

This post is part of the 30 Day Challenge

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