Wednesday, January 6, 2016

December & January Goals

Well, we're six days into January and I decided that I might as well set some goals for the month. I still feel up in the air about where I want this year to go...but that's fine. I don't have to try and plan an entire calendar year. I can just throw some goals out for the next few weeks, and see what happens. 

I'm not really a New Year's Resolution kind of person, because I feel like it's really easy to burn out. Changes always come up. Things never go as planned. So I am going to continue to take things in smaller chunks. 

But first, I want to reflect on how things went in December.

When I set goals for December, I sort of ignored the fact that the month included a major holiday. THE major holiday. Oops. So I didn't hit everything I was aiming for, because I was busy shopping and wrapping and such on top of everything else. Anywho, here's how I did.

Read four books this month - Check. Along with finishing a couple HP books, I really enjoyed Sea of Tranquility (read it in a day) and Year of Yes was quite inspiring. I recommend both. 

Complete one audiobook - I listened to Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I enjoyed it. I don't think it would have been quite as good as a paperback. The narrators really added something. 

Take a drive with the kids to go see Christmas lights - Check. It was nice enough to walk around the park too. 

Have a movie night with a friend - This was a blast and I am hoping it becomes a regular thing!

Earn my orange belt in karate - Found out on Monday that both Lexi and I got our orange belts. Woo!

Finish Lexi's 2nd Grade Reading program - We finished on Dec 23rd and started the 3rd grade program this morning. 

Complete five pages in my gratitude journal each week - I got pretty close on this. 

Help Lexi learn her music notes - I found some handouts to help with this and passed them off on my mom, the piano teacher ;)

Publish a Faces of Homeschooling post each week
- I skipped one week but ended up with 4.

Participate in some kind of service project before Christmas - Um, I donated some money to a service project?

Complete Walking at Home DVD three days per week - I did several of these but not 3 per week. 

Take each girl on another Mother/Daughter date - I took Lydia to the book store alone...

Host a family game night and invite siblings to come - We played games on Christmas but otherwise ran out of time. 

Complete one Spielgaben activity with Lydia each week - I think we did a couple? This is a hard one. 

Go on a date with my husband - We both agreed we just wanted to stay home and read/stare at screens. We watched some stuff together, if that counts. I'm going to say that kind of counts. 

Finish reading "On Writing Well" - I got 1/3 done and then the library demanded it back, with holds. Crap. It's not the kind of book you can fly through. It's the kind of book you can refer to over and over, so I might buy it. 

Reach Fit Bit goal four days per week - Haha. 

Complete Metabolic Aftershock two days per week - Yyyyeah...about that...

Get the cats to STOP pooping in the basement!! - This is driving me CRAZY. I have deep cleaned the litter boxes, used Cat Attract litter, changed them more frequently, and sprayed each place they poop. Still happening. 

Write an average of 5 posts per week - I wrote 11 for the month...

Write one Homeschooling is for Crazy People post - I have a draft!

Look for other places to submit my work - I kinda stopped caring ;)

So, as you can see, I kinda missed the mark a bit in December. I'm okay with that. I'm human. It has given me a lot to think about as far as where I want to be. I think I am going to go with fewer goals this month in hopes of reaching more of them. I'm on the quest to develop some good routines this year, so I may as well try some things out and see. 

January Goals


Read five books this month
Go on a date with my husband
Watch at least one Star Wars movie
Come up with some way to connect with God regularly


Eat a nutritious lunch most days
Walk with a friend at least once per week
Do a Walk at Home DVD or play Just Dance each week

Family & Friends

Take Lexi on a Mother/Daughter date
Invite people over for dinner and/or games
Talk to the vet about the stupid cats pooping in the basement
Figure out a way to better organize the girls' rooms

We need places to put things. 

I am watching you, Cats. I will WIN. 


Figure out something consistent to do with Lydia
Do an Art Lesson each week
Be more diligent about Lexi practicing piano


Write, in some form, every day
Finish & publish the Faces of Homeschooling posts I have lined up


So that's where I'm at for January! We will see how it goes!

Do you have any goals for the year? Or month?

 Do you do New Year's Resolutions? 


  1. Your January goals definitely seem manageable. Hopefully meeting them will help motivate you for next month.

    I fell off the healthy bus too over the holidays. New Year's Resolutions never work out for me and then I get discouraged. However, I know that I do need to get back into the routine of being more active, particularly on the weekends when I just want to watch tv/football and not move (maybe that will be easier once the season is over). I try not to keep snacks in the house but I now have this bad habit of making regular food into a snack. I need to get a better at eating a more balanced dinner and not snacking out of boredom.

    1. It is hard to get up and moving, especially when it is cold outside and there are good things on TV! And I don't know about you, but during the winter, I crave warm and delicious, unhealthy comfort foods. Tis the season!
